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Pages in category "Papers"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 562 total.
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- A 65nm CMOS Living-Cell Dynamic Fluorescence Sensor with 1.05fA Sensitivity at 600/700nm Wavelengths
- A Bayesian approach to inferring chemical signal timing and amplitude in a temporal logic gate using the cell population distributional response
- A bio-plausible design for visual attitude stabilization
- A bio-plausible design for visual pose stabilization
- A bootstrappable bio-plausible design for visual pose stabilization
- A Case Study in Approximate Linearization: The Acrobot Example
- A chemical reaction network model of PURE
- A Compositional Approach to Stochastic Optimal Control with Co-safe Temporal Logic Specifications
- A Compositional Approach to Stochastic Optimal Control with Temporal Logic Specifications
- A Computational Approach to Real-Time Trajectory Generation for Constrained Mechanical Systems
- A Constrained Optimization Framework for Wireless Networking in Multi-Vehicle Applications
- A Contract-Based Methodology for Aircraft Electric Power System Design
- A Control-Oriented Analysis of Bio-Inspired Visuomotor Convergence
- A Design Study for Thermal Control of a CVD Reactor for YBCO
- A Domain-Specific Language for Reactive Control Protocols for Aircraft Electric Power Systems
- A Field-Deployable Arsenic Sensor Integrating Bacillus Megaterium with CMOS Technology
- A Framework for Low--Observable Tra jectory Generation in the Presence of Multiple Radars
- A Framework for Lyapunov Certificates for Multi-Vehicle Rendezvous Problems
- A Frequency Domain Condition for Stability of Interconnected MIMO Systems
- A geometric and structural approach to the analysis and design of biological circuit dynamics: a theory tailored for synthetic biology
- A Geometric Perspective on Bifurcation Control
- A group-theoretic approach to formalizing bootstrapping problems
- A Homotopy Algorithm for Approximating Geometric Distributions by Integrable Systems
- A hovercraft robot that uses insect-inspired visual autocorrelation for motion control in a corridor
- A MATLAB toolbox for modeling genetic circuits in cell-free systems
- A Method for Cost-Effective and Rapid Characterization of Engineered T7-based Transcription Factors by Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Reveals Insights into the Regulation of T7 RNA Polymerase-Driven Expression
- A Method for Cost-Effective and Rapid Characterization of Genetic Parts
- A modal interface contract theory for guarded input/output automata with an application in traffic system design
- A Model-Free Algorithm for Extremely Resilient Navigation
- A Motion Planner for Nonholonomic Robots
- A Multi-Model Approach to Identification of Biosynthetic Pathways
- A New Computational Method for Optimal Control of a Class of Constrained Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations
- A population-based temporal logic gate for timing and recording chemical events
- A Risk-Aware Architecture for Resilient Spacecraft Operations
- A robust model predictive control algorithm augmented with a reactive safety mode
- A Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Algorithm with a Safety Mode
- A Scalable Formulation for Engineering Combination Therapies for Evolutionary Dynamics of Disease
- A State-space Realization Approach to Set Identification of Biochemical Kinetic Parameters
- A stochastic framework for the design of transient and steady state behavior of biochemical reaction networks
- A Sub-optimal Algorithm to Synthesize Control Laws for a Network of Dynamic Agents
- A Testbed for Nonlinear Flight Control Techniques: The Caltech Ducted Fan
- A two-state ribosome and protein model can robustly capture the chemical reaction dynamics of gene expression
- Active Control of an Axial Flow Compressor via Pulsed Air Injection
- Active Control of Integrated Inlet/Compression Systems: Initial Results
- Active Control of Rotating Stall Using Pulsed Air Injection: A Parametric Study on a Low-Speed, Axial Flow Compressor
- Addressable and adaptable intercellular communication via DNA messaging
- Addressable, “Packet-Based” Intercellular Communication through Plasmid Conjugation
- Agreement Problems in Networks with Directed Graphs and Switching Toplogy
- Alice: An information-rich autonomous vehicle for high-speed desert navigation
- An Aircraft Electric Power Testbed for Validating Automatically Synthesized Reactive Control Protocols
- An analytical approach to bistable biological circuit discrimination using real algebraic geometry
- An automated model reduction tool to guide the design and analysis of synthetic biological circuits
- An Efficient Algorithm for Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems
- An Estimation Algorithm for a Class of Networked Control Systems Using UDP-Like Communication Schemes
- An Experimental Comparison of Controllers for a Vectored Thrust, Ducted Fan Engine
- An Experimental Comparison of Tradeoffs in Using Compliant Manipulators for Robotic Grasping Tasks
- An In Silico Modeling Toolbox for Rapid Prototyping of Circuits in a Biomolecular “Breadboard” System
- An Iterative Abstraction Algorithm for Reactive Correct-by-Construction Controller Synthesis
- Analysis and design of a synthetic transcriptional network for exact adaptation
- Analysis of a Digital Clock for Molecular Computing
- Analysis of Circuits for Dosage Control in Microbial Populations
- Analysis of Delays in Transcriptional Signaling Networks with Time-Varying Temperature-Dependent Rate Coefficients
- Analysis of Dynamics in Escaping Flight Initiation in Drosophila
- Analysis of primitive genetic interactions for the design of a genetic signal differentiator
- Appealing to a Non-traditional Audience: A New Approach to Teaching Feedback
- Application of Correct-by-Construction Principles for a Resilient Risk-Aware Architecture
- Applications and Extensions of Goursat Normal Form to Control of Nonlinear Systems
- Approximate Distributed Kalman Filtering in Sensor Networks with Quantifiable Performance
- Approximate Trajectory Generation for Differentially Flat Systems with Zero Dynamics
- Approximation of Subnetwork Models using Frequency-Domain Data
- Aspects of Geometric Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Systems
- Assessment of Robustness to Temperature in a Negative Feedback Loop and a Feedforward Loop
- Asynchronous Distributed Averaging on Communication Networks
- Automatic Conversion Software for the Safety Verification of Goal-Based Control Programs
- Automatic Synthesis of Robust Embedded Control Software
- Automaton-Guided Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems with Temporal Logic
- Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments: Approaches, Lessons and Challenges
- Autonomous Reorientation of a Manuever-Limited Spacecraft Under Simple Pointing Constraints
- Backtracking temporal logic synthesis for uncertain environments
- Bacterial Controller Aided Wound Healing: A Case Study in Dynamical Population Controller Design
- Barrier-Based Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Systems Subject to Timed Reach-Avoid Specifications
- Bifurcation Control of Rotating Stall with Actuator Magnitude and Rate Limits
- Bio-Inspired Visuomotor Convergence in Navigation and Flight Control Systems
- BioCRNpyler: Compiling chemical reaction networks from biomolecular parts in diverse contexts
- Bioligically Inspired Feedback Design for Drosophila Flight
- Biomolecular resource utilization in elementary cell-free gene circuits
- Biophysical Constraints Arising from Compositional Context in Synthetic Gene Networks
- Bisimulations for Reasoning about Input-to-State Stability Properties of Hybrid Systems
- Bistable State Switch Enables Ultrasensitive Feedback Control in Heterogeneous Microbial Populations
- Bootstrapping bilinear models of robotic sensorimotor cascades
- Bootstrapping bilinear models of simple vehicles
- Cascade Discrete-Continuous State Estimators for a Class of Monotone Systems
- Cell-free and in vivo characterization of Lux, Las, and Rpa quorum activation systems in E. coli
- Cell-Free Extract Data Variability Reduction in the Presence of Structural Non-Identifiability
- Characterization of Integrase and Excisionase Activity in Cell-free Protein Expression System Using a Modeling and Analysis Pipeline
- Characterization of minimum inducer separation time for a two-input integrase-based event detector
- Characterizing and Prototyping Genetic Networks with Cell-Free Transcription-Translation Reactions
- Characterizing the Effects of Air Injection on Compressor Performance for Use in Active Control of Rotating Stall
- Classification of Human Motion into Dynamics Based Primitives with Application to Drawing Tasks
- Coarse analysis of multiscale systems: diffuser flows, charged particle motion, and connections to averaging theory
- Collaborative System Identification via Parameter Consensus
- Combined Air Injection Control of Rotating Stall and Bleed Valve Control of Surge
- Communication and sensing trade-offs in cooperative mobile networks
- Communication and Sensing Trade-Offs in Decentralized Mobile Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Design Approach
- Compositional stability analysis based on dual decomposition
- Computing Augmented Finite Transition Systems to Synthesize Switching Protocols for Polynomial Switched Systems
- Cone invariance and rendezvous of multiple agents
- Cone Invariance and Rendezvous of Multiple Agents
- Configuration Controllability of Simple Mechanical Control Systems
- Configuration Flatness of Lagrangian Systems Underactuated by One Control
- Connected Cruise Control Design Using Probabilistic Model Checking
- Consensus and Cooperation in Networked Multi-Agent Systems
- Consensus problems in networks of agents with switching topology and time-delays
- Consensus Protocols for Networks of Dynamic Agents
- Consensus Seeking Using Multi-Hop Relay Protocol
- Constrained risk-averse Markov decision processes
- Constrained Trajectory Generation for Microsatellite Formation Flying
- Construction of an inducible amyloid expression circuit in Bacillus megaterium: A case study with CsgA and TasA
- Context-Aided Variable Elimination for Requirement Engineering
- Contracts of Reactivity
- Control design for hybrid systems with TuLiP: The temporal logic planning toolbox
- Control education for societal-scale challenges: A community roadmap
- Control of bacterial population density with population feedback and molecular sequestration
- Control of density and composition in an engineered two-member bacterial community
- Control of Rotating Stall in a Low-Speed Axial Flow Compressor Using Pulsed Air Injection: Modeling, Simulations, and Experimental Validation
- Control on the Sphere and Reduced Attitude Stabilization
- Control Over a Network: Using Actuation Buffers to Reduce Transmission Frequency
- Control Over a Packet Dropping Network with Norm Bounded Uncertainties
- Control Primitives for Robot Systems
- Control Program Verification for a Sample Titan Aerobot Mission
- Control System Analysis on Symmetric Cones
- Control Theory for Synthetic Biology: Recent Advances in System Characterization, Control Design, and Controller Implementation for Synthetic Biology
- Controller Synthesis for Constrained Flight Systems via Receding Horizon Optimization
- Controlling biological networks by time-delayed signals
- Convergence Properties of Dynamic Agents Consensus Networks with Broken Links
- Conversion and Verification Procedure for Goal-Based Control Programs
- Converting Smooth, Time-Varying, Asymptotic Stabilizers for Driftless Systems to Homogeneous, Exponential Stabilizers
- Convex Optimal Uncertainty Quantification
- Convex optimal uncertainty quantification: Algorithms and a case study in energy storage placement for power grids
- Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia
- Cooperative Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems using Cost Graphs and Optimization
- Cooperative Task Planning of Multi-Robot Systems with Temporal Constraints
- Counter-example Guided Learning of Bounds on Environment Behavior
- Cross-entropy Temporal Logic Motion Planning
- Data Transmission over Networks for Estimation
- Data Transmission over Networks for Estimation and Control
- Data-driven network models for genetic circuits from time-series data with incomplete measurements
- Decentralised minimal-time dynamic consensus
- Decentralized Multi-Agent Optimization via Dual Decomposition
- Decomposing GR(1) Games with Singleton Liveness Guarantees for Efficient Synthesis
- Decomposition of Human Motion into Dynamics Based Primitives with Application to Drawing Tasks
- Decompositions for Control Systems on Manifolds with an Affine Connection
- Delay-Based Approximations of Biological Systems for Analysis and Design
- Delay-Based Controller Design for Continuous-Time and Hybrid Applications
- Delay-dependent Stability of Genetic Regulatory Networks
- Design and application of stationary phase combinatorial promoters
- Design and Implementation of a Biomolecular Circuit for Tracking Protein Concentration
- Design and implementation of a synthetic biomolecular concentration tracker
- Design and performance of in vitro transcription rate regulatory circuit
- Design of a genetic layered feedback controller in synthetic biological circuitry
- Design of a Toolbox of RNA Thermometers
- Design of insulating devices for in vitro synthetic circuits
- Design Space Exploration of the Violacein Pathway in Escherichia coli Based Cell-Free System
- Designing Robustness to Temperature in a Feedforward Loop Circuit
- Development of cell-free transcription-translation systems in three soil Pseudomonads
- Differential Flatness and Absolute Equivalence of Nonlinear Control Systems
- Differential Flatness of Mechanical Control Systems: A Catalog of Prototype Systems
- Differential Flatness of Two One-Forms in Arbitrary Number of Variables
- Differentially Flat Nonlinear Control Systems
- Differentially Flat Systems with Inequality Constraints: An Approach to Real-Time Feasible Trajectory Generation
- Discrete Function Approximation: Numerical Tools for Nonlinear Control
- Discrete State Estimators for a Class of Nondeterministic Hybrid Systems on a Lattice
- Discrete State Estimators for Systems on a Lattice
- Distributed Averaging on Asynchronous Communication Networks
- Distributed Computation for Cooperative Control
- Distributed Cooperative Control of Multiple Vehicle Formations Using Structural Potential Functions
- Distributed Gradient Systems and Dynamic Coordination
- Distributed Mission and Contingency Management for the DARPA Urban Challenge
- Distributed Power Allocation for Vehicle Management Systems
- Distributed Receding Horizon Control with Applications to Multi-Vehicle Formation Stabilization
- Distributed Sensor Fusion Using Dynamic Consensus
- Distributed Structural Stabilization and Tracking for Formations of Dynamic Multi-Agents
- Distributed Synthesis of Control Protocols for Smart Camera Networks
- Dynamic Consensus for Mobile Networks
- Dynamic Separation Control in a Low-Speed Asymmetric Diffuser with Varying Downstream Boundary Condition
- Dynamic State Estimation in Distributed Aircraft Electric Control Systems via Adaptive Submodularity
- Dynamical Models for Control of Cavity Oscillations
- Dynamics and stability of a class of low Reynolds number swimmers near a wall
- Dynamics and Stability of Low Reynolds Number Swimming Near a Wall
- Effect of Narrowband Channels on the Control
- Effective Sensor Scheduling Schemes Employing Feedback in the Communication Loop
- Effective Sensor Scheduling Schemes in a Sensor Network by Employing Feedback in the Communication Loop
- Effective Transition Rates for Epitaxial Growth Using Fast Modulation
- Effects of Actuator Limits in Bifurcation Control with Applications to Active Control of Fluid Instabilities in Turbomachinery
- Effects of Magnitude Saturation in Control of Bifurcations
- Effects of Noise and Actuator Limits on Active Control of Rotating Stall and Surge
- Effects of Noise, Magnitude Saturation, and Rate Limits on Rotating Stall Control
- Efficient control synthesis for augmented finite transition systems with an application to switching protocols
- Efficient local validation of partially ordered models via Baysian directed sampling
- Efficient reactive controller synthesis for a fragment of linear temporal logic