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List of project pages on this wiki.
Active Projects
- Developer Cell: A modular, extensible chassis for building synthetic cells (Sloan)
- Design and Implementation of Multi-Component Synthetic Cells (ARO/ICB)
- Control of Functional Bioenabled Materials using Synthetic Cells (ARO/ICB)
- Center for Harnessing Microbiota from Military Environments (CHARMME) (ARO)
- Layered T&E for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems (AFOSR)
- Rules of Composition in Synthetic Biology Across Scales of Complexity: Theory and Tools (AFOSR)
Completed Projects
- Upscaling Engineering of Synthetic Biomachines (Schmidt Sciences)
- Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: From Validation & Verification to Test & Evaluation (NSF)
- Deciphering the Rules of Nucleus Architecture with Synthetic Cells and Organelles (NSF)
- Multi-Layer, Composable and Programmable Biomolecular Circuits for Microbial Consortia (Army Research Office)
- Engineering Reliable Genetic Circuits for Characterization and Remediation of Soil Ecologies (Army Research Office)
- Developing Standardized Cell-Free Platforms for Rapid Prototyping of Synthetic Biology Circuits and Pathways (NSF)
- Formal Methods for V&V and T&E of Autonomous Systems (AFOSR)
- Actuation of Synthetic Cells Via Proto-Flagellar Motors (NSF)
- An Open Synthetic Biology Toolkit for Engineering Reliable Genetic Circuits in Microbes in Soil (Resnick Sustainability Institute)
- Fundamental Biological Factors Underlying Human Performance: From Molecular Diagnostics and Detection to Behavior and Systems Biology (Army Research Office)
- Field-Programmable, Recombinase-Based Biomolecular Circuits (Army Research Office)
- Design of Digitally Controlled Bacterial Circuits for Bioenabled Materials (Army Research Lab/Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies)
- VeHICaL: Verified Human Interfaces, Control, and Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems (NSF)
- Engineering Replication-, Growth-, and Division-Deficient E. coli for Safe, Stable and Efficient Function (Rosen Center for Bioengineering)
- Assurance for Learning Enabled Systems (DARPA)
- Robust Multi-Layer Control Systems for Cooperative Cellular Behaviors (DARPA)
- Enabling Technologies for Cell-Silicon Interfacing (Army Research Office)
- Engineering Durable Cell-Free Biological Capabilities for Advanced Sensing and Prototyping (Army Research Office)
- Genetic Circuits for Multi-Cellular Machines (Army Research Lab/Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies)
- Temporal Logic Specifications for Control System Design in Automotive Systems (DENSO)
- Theory-Based Engineering of Biomolecular Circuits in Living Cells (Air Force Office of Scientific Research)
- Biomolecular Circuits for Rapid Detection and Response to Environmental Events (Army Research Office)
- Molecular Programming Architectures, Abstractions, Algorithms, and Applications (NSF)
- Rapid, Reliable and Repeatable Platforms for Cell-Free Prototyping (Synvitrobio)
- Establishing microfluidic cell-free systems for the rapid prototyping of synthetic genetic networks (Human Frontiers Science Program)
- Safety-Critical Autonomy and Verification for Space Missions (JPL)
- Model-guided Discovery and Optimization of Cell-based Sensors (Office of Naval Research)
- The TerraSwarm Research Center (STARnet)
- Synthesizing flight software (FSW) discrete controllers from formal specifications (JPL)
- Programmable Molecular Technology Initiative (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation)
- Cell-Free Expression of Membrane Proteins with Applications to Drug Discovery (Amgen)
- Resilient Risk-Aware Autonomy for the Exploration of Uncertain and Extreme Environments (Keck Institute for Space Studies)
- Improvement of E. coli transcription-translation (TX-TL) system (Caltech Grubstake)
- Correct-by-Construction Synthesis of Control Protocols for Aerospace Systems (Boeing)
- ICyPhy: Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (IBM, UTC)
- Biomolecular Breadboards for Prototyping and Debugging Synthetic Biocircuits (DARPA)
- Molecular Programming Project (NSF)
- Biomolecular Feedback Circuits for Modular, Robust and Rapid Response (Army Research Office)
- Control Design for Cyberphysical Systems Using Slow Computing (NSF)
- Distributed Sense and Control Systems (DARPA FCRP)
- Network Science and Engineering: A Theory of Network Architecture (NSF)
- Networked Feedback Systems in Biology (ARO ICB)
- CAGEN: Critical Assessment of Genetically Engineered Networks (NAKFI)
- Model-Based Design and Qualification of Complex Systems (Boeing)
- Packet-Based Estimation and Control (AFOSR)
Pending Projects
Older projects (not on this wiki)
- Specification, Design and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems (MURI/AFOSR)
- Information Dynamics for Networked Feedback Systems (NSF)
- 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge (DARPA; Caltech/JPL)
- Packet-Based Algorithms for Cooperative Surveillance and Reconnaissance (AFOSR)
- Control and Dynamical Systems Alliance (Dept of Education)
- Cooperative Control in Dynamic, Uncertain, and Adversarial Environments (MURI/AFOSR)
- DARPA Grand Challenge, Team Caltech (CIT)
- Information Flow in Cooperative Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems (AFOSR)
- High Confidence, Reconfigurable, Distributed Control (DARPA SEC)
- Mixed Initiative Control of Automa-Teams (DARPA MICA)
- Computationally Engineered Microstructural Complexity (MURI/ARO)
- Integrated Control of Inlet Compression Systems (DARPA MAFC)
- Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems
- Multi-Vehicle, Wireless Testbed (DURIP/AFOSR)
- Actively Stabilized Isentropic Supersonic Inlet (DARPA QSP)
- Formation Flight for Micro-Satellites (AFOSR)
- Virtual Integrated Processing of YBCO Thin Films (DARPA/NSF)
- Two Degree of Freedom Design for Robust Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems (NSF)
- Robust Nonlinear Control Theory with Application to Aerospace Vehicles (AFOSR)
- Robust Nonlinear Control of Stall and Flutter in Aeroengines (AFOSR)
- Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems in the Presence of Magnitude and Rate Saturations (ONR)
- Curriculum in Control and Dynamical Systems (NSF)