Developer Cell: A modular, extensible chassis for building synthetic cells

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The goal of this project is to build a "Developer Cell" that forms a platform for the integration of synthetic cell technologies, enabling new synthetic cell research and the development of additional cell modules by the synthetic cell community.

Current participants:

Additional participants:


Past participants:



The project aims to develop the baseline Developer Cell for dissemination and use by the synthetic cell community. Key elements of the Developer Cell include an ATP/GTP-recycling energy module, a protease control module for tunable gene expression and protein homeostasis, and a membrane translation module for inserting functional membrane proteins to support active transport and cell functions.

The Caltech/ team will carry out engineering development activities that will be disseminated through the Nucleus open-source technology package. Synthetic cell systems (modules) that have been previously demonstrated in isolation will be integrated into a single Developer cell. Data, tools, and methods required to achieve this integration will be developed, as will tools to use and extend the Developer cell. We anticipate active collaboration with multiple partner groups that will use the Developer cell and Nucleus methods, as well as provide feedback and independent contributions.

Expected products of this project include the Developer Cell and all results, methods, DNA materials, and datasets associated with this project will be made available as part of the open-source Nucleus package. Success of this project will be measured by the successful integration of the three modules (energy, control, membrane translation) to increase synthetic cell capability, and use of and contribution to the Developer Cell and associated toolsets by the synthetic cell engineering community.


This research is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

  • Agency: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Grant number: G-2024-22735
  • Start date: 1 Jan 2025
  • End date: 30 Jun 2026
  • Support: 3 part-time research scientists
  • Reporting: Interim and final reports