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List of current and past collaborators:

PageOrganizationURL"URL" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent URI/URL values.Projects
Aaron AmesCaltech MCE/CMShttp://ames.caltech.eduSafety-Critical Autonomy and Verification for Space Missions
Formal Methods for V&V and T&E of Autonomous Systems
Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: From Validation & Verification to Test & Evaluation
Layered T&E for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems
Richard AndersenCaltech BBE
Soon-Jo ChungCaltech CDS
Domitilla Del VecchioMIT Discovery and Optimization of Cell-based Sensors
Theory-Based Engineering of Biomolecular Circuits in Living Cells
Rules of Composition in Synthetic Biology Across Scales of Complexity: Theory and Tools
John DoyleCaltech CDS PageRobust Multi-Layer Control Systems for Cooperative Cellular Behaviors
Yuval ElaniImperial College London the Rules of Nucleus Architecture with Synthetic Cells and Organelles
Tom EllisImperial College Londonhttps://www.tomellislab.comDeciphering the Rules of Nucleus Architecture with Synthetic Cells and Organelles
Michael ElowitzCaltech BBEhttps://www.elowitz.caltech.eduRobust Multi-Layer Control Systems for Cooperative Cellular Behaviors
Azita EmamiCaltech EEhttps://www.mics.caltech.eduEnabling Technologies for Cell-Silicon Interfacing
Paul FreemontImperial College London Standardized Cell-Free Platforms for Rapid Prototyping of Synthetic Biology Circuits and Pathways
Mory GharibCaltech GALCIT
James HindleyImperial College London
Sebastian MaerklEPFLhttp://lbnc.epfl.chEstablishing microfluidic cell-free systems for the rapid prototyping of synthetic genetic networks
Steve MayoCaltech BBEhttps://www.mayo.caltech.eduControl of Functional Bioenabled Materials using Synthetic Cells
Markus MeisterCaltech BBE
Dianne NewmanCaltech BBE/GPShttps://dknweb.caltech.eduEngineering Reliable Genetic Circuits for Characterization and Remediation of Soil Ecologies
Center for Harnessing Microbiota from Military Environments (CHARMME)
Victoria OrphanCaltech GPS/BBEhttps://orphanlab.caltech.eduCEMI Synthetic Biofilms
Control of Functional Bioenabled Materials using Synthetic Cells
Niles PierceCaltech BBEhttps://www.piercelab.caltech.eduMolecular Programming Project
Programmable Molecular Technology Initiative
Molecular Programming Architectures, Abstractions, Algorithms, and Applications
Robust Multi-Layer Control Systems for Cooperative Cellular Behaviors
David ProberCaltech BBEhttps://proberlab.caltech.eduFundamental Biological Factors Underlying Human Performance: From Molecular Diagnostics and Detection to Behavior and Systems Biology
Alberto Sangiovanni-VincentelliUC Berkeley TerraSwarm Research Center
Sanjit SeshiaUC Berkeley TerraSwarm Research Center
VeHICaL: Verified Human Interfaces, Control, and Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems
Smruthi KarthikeyanCaltech ESE
Eduardo SontagNortheastern Universityhttp://www.sontaglab.orgModel-guided Discovery and Optimization of Cell-based Sensors
Theory-Based Engineering of Biomolecular Circuits in Living Cells
Rules of Composition in Synthetic Biology Across Scales of Complexity: Theory and Tools
Matt ThomsonCaltech BBEhttps://thomsonlab.caltech.eduControl of Functional Bioenabled Materials using Synthetic Cells
Chris VoigtMIT Discovery and Optimization of Cell-based Sensors
Center for Harnessing Microbiota from Military Environments (CHARMME)
Kaihang WangCaltech BBEhttps://wanglab.caltech.eduEngineering Replication-, Growth-, and Division-Deficient E. coli for Safe, Stable and Efficient Function
Erik WinfreeCaltech CNS/BE Programming Project
Molecular Programming Architectures, Abstractions, Algorithms, and Applications