CDS 202, Winter 2009
This is the homepage for CDS 202 (Geometry of Nonlinear Systems) for Winter 2009.
Lectures and course mailing list:
Teaching Assistant:
Office hours/recitations:
Course Description
CDS 202. Geometry of Nonlinear Systems. 9 units (3-0-6); second term. Prerequisites: CDS 201 or AM 125 a. Basic differential geometry, oriented toward applications in control and dynamical systems. Topics include smooth manifolds and mappings, tangent and normal bundles. Vector fields and flows. Distributions and Frobeniuss theorem. Matrix Lie groups and Lie algebras. Exterior differential forms, Stokes theorem.
Course Schedule
Week | Lec 1 | Lec 2 | Topic | Reading | Homework |
1 | 6 Jan | N/A | Course introduction and scheduling | Murray (1994) | None |
2 | 8 Jan | 13 Jan | Point set topology | MTA Ch 1 | HW #1 (solns) |
3 | 15 Jan | 20 Jan | Manifolds, maps, tangent spaces | MTA Ch 2.3-2.4, 3.1-3.3 | HW #2 (solns) |
4 | 22 Jan | 27 Jan | Immersions, submersions, inverse function theorem | MTA Ch 2.5, 3.5 | HW #3 (solns) |
5 | 29 Jan | 3 Feb | Tangent bundle, vector fields, flows | MTA Ch 3.3, 4.1-4.2 | HW #4 (solns) |
6 | 5 Feb | 10 Feb | Distributions, Frobenius theorem | MTA Ch 4.2, 4.4 | HW #5 (solns) |
7 | 12 Feb | 17 Feb | Lie groups and Lie algebras | MTA Ch 5.1-5.2 | HW #6 (solns) |
8 | 19 Feb | 24 Feb | Applications of Lie groups | MTA Ch 5.3 + KM94 | HW #7 (solns) |
9 | 26 Feb | 3 Mar | Differential forms | MTA Ch 6.1-6.2, 7.1-7.3 | HW #8 (solns) |
10 | 5 Mar | 10 Mar | Integration on manifolds, exterior derivative | MTA Ch 7.4-7.5,8.1-8.3 | HW #9 (solns) |
Course Text
The primary course text is the third edition of Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications:
- Marsden, Ratiu and Abraham, Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications (if you are registered for the course, send e-mail to Richard Murray for the password).
In addition, students may find the following textbooks useful:
- Boothby, An Introduction to Differential Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, Revised second edition, 2002.
The final grade will be based on homework and a final exam:
- Homework (75%) - There will be 9 one-week problem sets, due in class one week after they are assigned. Late homework will not be accepted without prior permission from the instructor.
- Final exam (25%) - The final will be handed out the last day of class and is due back at the end of finals week. Open book, time limit to be decided (likely N hours over a 4-8N hour period).
The lowest homework score you receive will be dropped in computing your homework average. In addition, if your score on the final is higher than the weighted average of your homework and final, your final will be used to determine your course grade.
Collaboration Policy
Collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor. Use of solutions from previous years in the course is not allowed. All solutions that are handed should reflect your understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing.
No collaboration is allowed on the final exam.