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Engineering Logical Inflammation Sensing Circuit for Modulating Gut Conditions
Liana N. Merk, Andrey S. Shur, Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray, Leopold N. Green
3rd International Microbiome Engineering Conference


Synthetic mammalian signaling circuits for robust cell population control
Yitong Ma, Mark W. Budde, Michaëlle N. Mayalu, Junqin Zhu, Richard M. Murray, Michael B. Elowitz
Submitted, Cell Systems


Analysis of Circuits for Dosage Control in Microbial Populations
Sophie J. Walton, Samuel E. Clamons, Richard M. Murray
Senior thesis


Planning and Optimization for Multi-Robot Planetary Cave Exploration under Intermittent Connectivity Constraints
Filip Klaesson, Petter Nilsson, Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Scott Tepsuporn, Aaron D. Ames and Richard M. Murray
8th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics


A two-state ribosome and protein model can robustly capture the chemical reaction dynamics of gene expression
Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
2020 Winter q-bio


Assessment of Robustness to Temperature in a Negative Feedback Loop and a Feedforward Loop
Abhilash Patel, Richard M. Murray, Shaunak Sen
ACS Synthetic Biology, 9(7):1581-1590, 2020


Formal Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems based on Control Barrier Functions
Prithvi Akella, Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Richard M. Murray, Aaron D. Ames
To appear, 2020 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)


Tunable integrase-mediated differentiation facilitates improved output of burdensome functions in E. coli
Rory L. Williams, Richard M. Murray
bioRxiv 614529, 2019 (revised 2020, 2022)


Construction of an inducible amyloid expression circuit in Bacillus megaterium: A case study with CsgA and TasA
Elin M. Larsson, John B. McManus, Richard M. Murray
bioRxiv 858266


Risk-Averse Planning Under Uncertainty
Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Masahiro Ono, Michel D. Ingham, Richard M. Murray, Aaron D. Ames
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)


Invariant Sets for Integrators and Quadrotor Obstacle Avoidance
Ludvig Doeser, Petter Nilsson, Aaron D. Ames, and Richard M. Murray
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)


Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems
Filip Klaesson, Petter Nilsson, Aaron D. Ames, Richard M. Murray
2020 International Conference on Cyberphysical Systems (ICCPS)


Learning pose estimation for UAV autonomous navigation and landing using visual-inertial sensor data
Francesca Baldini, Animashree Anandkumar, Richard M. Murray
2020 American Control Conference (ACC)


Layered Feedback Control Improves Robust Functionality across Heterogeneous Cell Populations
Xinying Ren, Richard M. Murray
2020 Winter q-bio


A geometric and structural approach to the analysis and design of biological circuit dynamics: a theory tailored for synthetic biology
John P. Marken, Fangzhou Xiao, Richard M. Murray
2020 Winter q-bio


Theoretical Design of Paradoxical Signaling-Based Synthetic Population Control Circuit in E. coli
Michaëlle N. Mayalu, Richard M. Murray
2020 Winter q-bio


Model Reduction Tools For Phenomenological Modeling of Input-Controlled Biological Circuits
Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
2020 Winter q-bio


Counter-example Guided Learning of Bounds on Environment Behavior
Yuxiao Chen, Sumanth Dathathri, Tung Phan-Minh, Richard M. Murray
2019 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)


Modeling predicts that CRISPR-based activators, unlike CRISPR-based repressors, scale well with increasing gRNA competition and dCas9 bottlenecking
Samuel Clamons, Richard M. Murray
bioRxiv preprint


Analysis of primitive genetic interactions for the design of a genetic signal differentiator
Wolfgang Halter, Richard M. Murray, Frank Allgower
Submitted, OUP Synthetic Biology, May 2019


Contracts of Reactivity
Tung Phan-Minh and Richard M. Murray
Submitted, Int'l Conf on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS) 2019


An automated model reduction tool to guide the design and analysis of synthetic biological circuits
Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
2019 International Workshop on Biodesign Automation (IWBDA)


A Method for Cost-Effective and Rapid Characterization of Engineered T7-based Transcription Factors by Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Reveals Insights into the Regulation of T7 RNA Polymerase-Driven Expression
John B. McManus, Richard M. Murray, Peter A. Emanuel, Matthew W. Lux
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 674, 15 October 2019, 108045


Towards Assume-Guarantee Profiles for Autonomous Vehicles
Tung Phan-Minh, Karena X. Cai, Richard M. Murray
Submitted, 2019 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)


Bacterial Controller Aided Wound Healing: A Case Study in Dynamical Population Controller Design
Leopold N. Green, Chelsea Y. Hu, Xinying Y. Ren, Richard M. Murray
qBio Conference 2019


Quantitative characterization of random partitioning in the evolution of plasmid-encoded traits
Andrew D. Halleran, Emanuel Flores-Bautista, Richard M. Murray
qBio 2019 Conference


Addressable, “Packet-Based” Intercellular Communication through Plasmid Conjugation
John P. Marken, Richard M. Murray
qBio 2019 Conference


Design of a genetic layered feedback controller in synthetic biological circuitry
Chelsea Y. Hu, Richard M. Murray
2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineerinng, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference


Control of density and composition in an engineered two-member bacterial community
Reed D. McCardell, Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
Submitted, 2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference


Proof of concept continuous event logging in living cells
Andrey Shur, Richard M. Murray
2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference


Guidelines for Designing the Antithetic Feedback Motif
Ania-Ariadna Baetica, Yoke Peng Leong, Richard M. Murray
Physical Biology, 17(5):055002, 2020


Hard Limits And Performance Tradeoffs In A Class Of Sequestration Feedback Systems
Noah Olsman, Ania-Ariadna Baetica, Fangzhou Xiao, Yoke Peng Leong, John Doyle, Richard Murray
Submitted, Cell Systems (Nov 2018)


Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia
Xinying Ren, Richard M Murray
Submitted, 2019 European Control Conference


Model of Paradoxical Signaling Regulated T-Cell Population Control for Design of Synthetic Circuits
Michaelle N. Mayalu, Harman Mehta and Richard M. Murray
Submitted, 2019 European Control Conference (ECC)


Inverse Abstraction of Neural Networks Using Symbolic Interpolation
Sumanth Dathathri, Sicun Gao, Richard M. Murray
To appear, 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence


End-to-End Safe Reinforcement Learning through Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Continuous Control Tasks
Richard Cheng, Gabor Orosz, Richard M. Murray, Joel W. Burdick
To appear, 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Robust Estimation Framework with Semantic Measurements
Karena X. Cai, Alexei Harvard, Richard M. Murray, Soon-Jo Chung
Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)


Risk-aware motion planning for automated vehicle among human-driven cars
Jin I. Ge, Bastian Schurmann, Richard M. Murray, and Matthias Althoff
Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)


A modal interface contract theory for guarded input/output automata with an application in traffic system design
Tung Phan-Minh, Steve Guo, Bastian Schürmann, Matthias Althoff, and Richard M. Murray
Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)


Cell-Free Extract Data Variability Reduction in the Presence of Structural Non-Identifiability
Vipul Singhal and Richard M. Murray
Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)


On-chip membrane protein cell-free expression enables development of a direct binding assay: A curious case of potassium channel KcsA-Kv1.3
A. Vaisha, S. Guo, R. M.Murray, P. J..Grandsard and Q. Chen
Analytical Biochemistry, 556:70-77, 2018


Role of interaction network topology in controlling microbial population in consortia
Xinying Ren, Richard M Murray
To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)


Optimal Experiment Design and Leveraging Competition for Shared Resources in Cell-free Extracts
Wolfgang Halter, Frank Allgower, Richard M. Murray and Andras Gyorgy
To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)


Voluntary lane-change policy synthesis with reactive control improvisation
Jin I. Ge and Richard M. Murray
To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)


Long-distance communication in synthetic bacterial consortia through active signal propagation
James M Parkin, Richard M Murray
2018 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference


Single day construction of multi-gene circuits with 3G assembly
Andrew D Halleran, Anandh Swaminathan, Richard M Murray
2018 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference


Temporal Logic Control of POMDPs via Label-based Stochastic Simulation Relations
S. Haesaert, P. Nilsson, C. I. Vasile, R. Thakker, A. Agha-mohammadi, A. D. Ames and R. M. Murray
To appear in IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), 2018


Toward Specification-Guided Active Mars Exploration for Cooperative Robot Teams
P. Nilsson, S. Haesaert, C. Vasile, R. Thakker, A. Agha-mohammadi. R. M. Murray and A. D. Ames
To appear in Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2018.


Modeling Dynamic Transcriptional Circuits with CRISPRi
Samuel E Clamons, Richard M Murray
2018 Winter q-bio


Control of bacterial population density with population feedback and molecular sequestration
Reed D McCardell, Shan Huang, Leopold N Green, Richard M Murray
2018 Winter q-bio