Semantic search
- Engineering Logical Inflammation Sensing Circuit for Modulating Gut Conditions
- Liana N. Merk, Andrey S. Shur, Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray, Leopold N. Green
- 3rd International Microbiome Engineering Conference
- Synthetic mammalian signaling circuits for robust cell population control
- Yitong Ma, Mark W. Budde, Michaëlle N. Mayalu, Junqin Zhu, Richard M. Murray, Michael B. Elowitz
- Submitted, Cell Systems
- Analysis of Circuits for Dosage Control in Microbial Populations
- Sophie J. Walton, Samuel E. Clamons, Richard M. Murray
- Senior thesis
- Planning and Optimization for Multi-Robot Planetary Cave Exploration under Intermittent Connectivity Constraints
- Filip Klaesson, Petter Nilsson, Tiago Stegun Vaquero, Scott Tepsuporn, Aaron D. Ames and Richard M. Murray
- 8th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics
- A two-state ribosome and protein model can robustly capture the chemical reaction dynamics of gene expression
- Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 Winter q-bio
- Assessment of Robustness to Temperature in a Negative Feedback Loop and a Feedforward Loop
- Abhilash Patel, Richard M. Murray, Shaunak Sen
- ACS Synthetic Biology, 9(7):1581-1590, 2020
- Formal Test Synthesis for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems based on Control Barrier Functions
- Prithvi Akella, Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Richard M. Murray, Aaron D. Ames
- To appear, 2020 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- Tunable integrase-mediated differentiation facilitates improved output of burdensome functions in E. coli
- Rory L. Williams, Richard M. Murray
- bioRxiv 614529, 2019 (revised 2020, 2022)
- Construction of an inducible amyloid expression circuit in Bacillus megaterium: A case study with CsgA and TasA
- Elin M. Larsson, John B. McManus, Richard M. Murray
- bioRxiv 858266
- Risk-Averse Planning Under Uncertainty
- Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Masahiro Ono, Michel D. Ingham, Richard M. Murray, Aaron D. Ames
- 2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
- Invariant Sets for Integrators and Quadrotor Obstacle Avoidance
- Ludvig Doeser, Petter Nilsson, Aaron D. Ames, and Richard M. Murray
- 2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
- Intermittent Connectivity for Exploration in Communication-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems
- Filip Klaesson, Petter Nilsson, Aaron D. Ames, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 International Conference on Cyberphysical Systems (ICCPS)
- Learning pose estimation for UAV autonomous navigation and landing using visual-inertial sensor data
- Francesca Baldini, Animashree Anandkumar, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 American Control Conference (ACC)
- Layered Feedback Control Improves Robust Functionality across Heterogeneous Cell Populations
- Xinying Ren, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 Winter q-bio
- A geometric and structural approach to the analysis and design of biological circuit dynamics: a theory tailored for synthetic biology
- John P. Marken, Fangzhou Xiao, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 Winter q-bio
- Theoretical Design of Paradoxical Signaling-Based Synthetic Population Control Circuit in E. coli
- Michaëlle N. Mayalu, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 Winter q-bio
- Model Reduction Tools For Phenomenological Modeling of Input-Controlled Biological Circuits
- Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
- 2020 Winter q-bio
- Counter-example Guided Learning of Bounds on Environment Behavior
- Yuxiao Chen, Sumanth Dathathri, Tung Phan-Minh, Richard M. Murray
- 2019 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)
- Modeling predicts that CRISPR-based activators, unlike CRISPR-based repressors, scale well with increasing gRNA competition and dCas9 bottlenecking
- Samuel Clamons, Richard M. Murray
- bioRxiv preprint
- Analysis of primitive genetic interactions for the design of a genetic signal differentiator
- Wolfgang Halter, Richard M. Murray, Frank Allgower
- Submitted, OUP Synthetic Biology, May 2019
- Contracts of Reactivity
- Tung Phan-Minh and Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, Int'l Conf on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS) 2019
- An automated model reduction tool to guide the design and analysis of synthetic biological circuits
- Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
- 2019 International Workshop on Biodesign Automation (IWBDA)
- A Method for Cost-Effective and Rapid Characterization of Engineered T7-based Transcription Factors by Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Reveals Insights into the Regulation of T7 RNA Polymerase-Driven Expression
- John B. McManus, Richard M. Murray, Peter A. Emanuel, Matthew W. Lux
- Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 674, 15 October 2019, 108045
- Towards Assume-Guarantee Profiles for Autonomous Vehicles
- Tung Phan-Minh, Karena X. Cai, Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, 2019 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- Bacterial Controller Aided Wound Healing: A Case Study in Dynamical Population Controller Design
- Leopold N. Green, Chelsea Y. Hu, Xinying Y. Ren, Richard M. Murray
- qBio Conference 2019
- Quantitative characterization of random partitioning in the evolution of plasmid-encoded traits
- Andrew D. Halleran, Emanuel Flores-Bautista, Richard M. Murray
- qBio 2019 Conference
- Addressable, “Packet-Based” Intercellular Communication through Plasmid Conjugation
- John P. Marken, Richard M. Murray
- qBio 2019 Conference
- Design of a genetic layered feedback controller in synthetic biological circuitry
- Chelsea Y. Hu, Richard M. Murray
- 2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineerinng, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference
- Control of density and composition in an engineered two-member bacterial community
- Reed D. McCardell, Ayush Pandey, Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, 2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference
- Proof of concept continuous event logging in living cells
- Andrey Shur, Richard M. Murray
- 2019 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference
- Guidelines for Designing the Antithetic Feedback Motif
- Ania-Ariadna Baetica, Yoke Peng Leong, Richard M. Murray
- Physical Biology, 17(5):055002, 2020
- Hard Limits And Performance Tradeoffs In A Class Of Sequestration Feedback Systems
- Noah Olsman, Ania-Ariadna Baetica, Fangzhou Xiao, Yoke Peng Leong, John Doyle, Richard Murray
- Submitted, Cell Systems (Nov 2018)
- Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia
- Xinying Ren, Richard M Murray
- Submitted, 2019 European Control Conference
- Model of Paradoxical Signaling Regulated T-Cell Population Control for Design of Synthetic Circuits
- Michaelle N. Mayalu, Harman Mehta and Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, 2019 European Control Conference (ECC)
- Inverse Abstraction of Neural Networks Using Symbolic Interpolation
- Sumanth Dathathri, Sicun Gao, Richard M. Murray
- To appear, 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- End-to-End Safe Reinforcement Learning through Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Continuous Control Tasks
- Richard Cheng, Gabor Orosz, Richard M. Murray, Joel W. Burdick
- To appear, 2019 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Robust Estimation Framework with Semantic Measurements
- Karena X. Cai, Alexei Harvard, Richard M. Murray, Soon-Jo Chung
- Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
- Risk-aware motion planning for automated vehicle among human-driven cars
- Jin I. Ge, Bastian Schurmann, Richard M. Murray, and Matthias Althoff
- Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
- A modal interface contract theory for guarded input/output automata with an application in traffic system design
- Tung Phan-Minh, Steve Guo, Bastian Schürmann, Matthias Althoff, and Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
- Cell-Free Extract Data Variability Reduction in the Presence of Structural Non-Identifiability
- Vipul Singhal and Richard M. Murray
- Submitted, 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
- On-chip membrane protein cell-free expression enables development of a direct binding assay: A curious case of potassium channel KcsA-Kv1.3
- A. Vaisha, S. Guo, R. M.Murray, P. J..Grandsard and Q. Chen
- Analytical Biochemistry, 556:70-77, 2018
- Role of interaction network topology in controlling microbial population in consortia
- Xinying Ren, Richard M Murray
- To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- Optimal Experiment Design and Leveraging Competition for Shared Resources in Cell-free Extracts
- Wolfgang Halter, Frank Allgower, Richard M. Murray and Andras Gyorgy
- To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- Voluntary lane-change policy synthesis with reactive control improvisation
- Jin I. Ge and Richard M. Murray
- To appear, 2018 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
- Long-distance communication in synthetic bacterial consortia through active signal propagation
- James M Parkin, Richard M Murray
- 2018 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference
- Single day construction of multi-gene circuits with 3G assembly
- Andrew D Halleran, Anandh Swaminathan, Richard M Murray
- 2018 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution and Design (SEED) Conference
- Temporal Logic Control of POMDPs via Label-based Stochastic Simulation Relations
- S. Haesaert, P. Nilsson, C. I. Vasile, R. Thakker, A. Agha-mohammadi, A. D. Ames and R. M. Murray
- To appear in IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS), 2018
- Toward Specification-Guided Active Mars Exploration for Cooperative Robot Teams
- P. Nilsson, S. Haesaert, C. Vasile, R. Thakker, A. Agha-mohammadi. R. M. Murray and A. D. Ames
- To appear in Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2018.
- Modeling Dynamic Transcriptional Circuits with CRISPRi
- Samuel E Clamons, Richard M Murray
- 2018 Winter q-bio
- Control of bacterial population density with population feedback and molecular sequestration
- Reed D McCardell, Shan Huang, Leopold N Green, Richard M Murray
- 2018 Winter q-bio