Systematic Design and Implementation of a Novel Synthetic Fold-Change Detector Biocircuit In Vivo

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Shaobin Guo, Yutaka Hori, and Richard M Murray
Submitted, 2015 Winter q-bio Conference (5 Nov 2014)

Biological signaling systems not only detect the absolute levels of the signals, but are also able to sense the fold-changes of the signals. The ability to detect fold-changes provides a powerful tool for biological organisms to adapt to the changes in environment. Here we present the first novel syn- thetic fold-change detector (FCD) circuit built from ground up in vivo. We systematically designed the FCD circuit in silico, prototyped it in cell-free transcription-translation platform (TX-TL), and eventually implemented it in E. coli cells. We were able to show that the FCD circuit can not only generate pulse-like behavior in response to input, but also produce the same pulse response with inputs of the same fold-change, despite of di�erent absolute signal levels.