Receding Horizon Temporal Logic Planning for Dynamical Systems

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Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Ufuk Topcu, Richard M Murray
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)

This paper bridges the advances in computer science and control to allow automatic synthesis of complex dynamical systems which are guaranteed, by construction, to satisfy the desired properties even in the presence of adversary. The desired properties are expressed in the language of temporal logic. With its expressive power, a wider class of properties than safety and stability can be specified. The resulting system consists of a discrete planner which plans, in the abstracted discrete domain, a set of transitions of the system to ensure the correct behaviors and a continuous controller which continuously implements the plan. For a system with certain structure, we present an approach, based on a receding horizon scheme, to overcome computational difficulties in the synthesis of a discrete planner and allow more complex problems to be solved.