Optimal nonlinear guidance with inner-loop feedback for hypersonic re-entry

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Title Optimal nonlinear guidance with inner-loop feedback for hypersonic re-entry
Authors J. M. Carson III, M. S. Epstein and D. G. MacMynowski and R. M. Murray
Source American Control Conference, 2006
Abstract Development of feasible G&C (guidance and control) methods for precision atmospheric re-entry has remained a challenge since pre-Apollo-era space exploration. The inherent difficulty arises from the governing hypersonic dynamics being significantly nonlinear, subject to parametric uncertainty, and limited with control authority. Vehicle safety requirements impose further constraints, and desired cost objectives complicate an already difficult G&C problem. The scope of this paper is to present a guidance algorithm for optimal trajectory generation based on a reduced-dimension reentry formulation. Preliminary simulations demonstrate the algorithm with feedback used to track the guidance trajectory in the presence of initial state uncertainty. The objective is to further this approach toward an onboard receding-horizon implementation
Type Conference paper
URL http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1657647
Tag cemm06-acc
ID 2006