CDS 110b, Winter 2007
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CDS 110b | Schedule | Project | FAQ | Reading |
This is the homepage for CDS 110b, Introduction to Control Theory for Winter 2007.
Teaching Assistants (cds110-tas@cds)
Archive |
- 13 March 07: HW 8 has been graded and is available in the Steele Cds110b return bin. Mean: 30.31, standard deviation: 10.95.
- 9 March 07: the solution to HW 8 will is posted here.
- 9 March 07: HW 7 is graded and will be handed out today. Average: 34.09, standard deviation: 6.42.
- 5 March 07: the final will be handed out on Fri 9 and will be due on Fri 16 at 5PM; on Fri 9 there will be a review section. Regular class on Wed 7.
- 1 March 07: HW 6 is graded and will be handed out tomorrow in class; the average was 34.5, standard deviation 6.4.
- 28 Feb 07: Week 9 - Robust Stability HW #8 (due 9 Mar [Fri])
- 23 Feb 07: Week 8 - Receding Horizon Control HW #7
Course Syllabus
Course Desciption and Goals: CDS 110b focuses on intermediate topics in control theory, including state estimation using Kalman filters, optimal control methods and modern control design techniques. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to design and analyze control systems of moderate complexity. Students may optionally participate in a course project in lieu of taking the midterm and final. Students participating in the course project will learn how to implement and test control systems on a modern experimental system.
- cds110-students mailing list - all students in the class should be signed up on this list (archive)
The final grade will be based on homework sets, a midterm exam and a final exam:
- Homework: 50%
Homework sets will be handed out weekly and will generally be due one week later at 5 pm to the box outside of 109 Steele. Late homework will not be accepted without prior permission from the instructor. - Midterm: 20%
A midterm exam will be handed out at the beginning of midterms week and due at the end of the midterm examination period. The midterm exam will be open book. - Final: 30%
The final exam will be handed out on the last day of class due at the end of finals week. It will be an open book exam.
Collaboration Policy
Collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor. All solutions that are handed in should reflect your understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing. MATLAB scripts and plots are considered part of your writeup and should be done individually.
No collaboration is allowed on the midterm of final exams.
Course Text and References
The recommended course texts are:
- B. Friedland, Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods, Dover, 2004. Available in the Caltech bookstore.
- K. J. Åström and R. M. Murray, [AM:Main Page|Design and Analysis of Feedback Systems], Preprint, 2006. Available online.
- J. Doyle, B. Francis, A. Tannenbaum, Feedback Control Theory, Macmillan, 1992. Available online.
You may find the following texts useful as well:
- F. L. Lewis and V. L. Syrmos, "Optimal Control", Second Edition, Wiley-IEEE, 1995. (Google Books)
- G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeni, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
- N. E. Leonard and W. S. Levine, Using Matlab to Analyze and Design Control Systems, Benjamin/Cummings, 1992.
- A. D. Lewis, A Mathematical Approach to Classical Control, 2003.
Old Announcements
- 3 Jan 07: Week 1 - Introduction and State Estimation (HW #1)
- 7 Jan 07: Office hours will be held on Mondays from 3-5 pm in 110 or 114 Steele. For the week of 8 Jan, office hours will be from 6-8 pm (one time only).
- 8 Jan 07: Week 2 - Stochastic Systems (HW #2)
- 15 Jan 07: office hours for this week will be on Tuesday from 5-7 pm
- 16 Jan 07: The deadline for HW #2 has been extended to 19 Jan (Fri) @ 5 pm. Some FAQs are available to help with the problems.
- 17 Jan 07: Week 3 - Kalman Filters (HW #3)
- 17 Jan 07: HW #1 has been graded and is available in the homework return box in Steele bdg. The mean was 37.54. The solution to HW #1 has been posted (solns).
- 18 Jan 07: There is going to be a recitation session on Friday, Jan 19, 5-6 PM, Steele 125. Topics from past and current week will be summarized.
- 22 Jan 07: Week 4 - Sensor Fusion (HW #4)
- 24 Jan 07: HW #2 has been graded and can be picked up in the hw return box. Mean: 35.8. The solution is posted here: (solns).
- 29 Jan 07: Week 5 - Nonlinear Estimation. Midterm will be handed out in class on Wednesday, due on 6 Feb (Tue) @ 5 pm.
- 30 Jan 07: The complete solution to HW # 3 is posted (solns).
- 31 Jan 07: Today there will be a midterm review session and the midterm will be handed out. HW #3 has been graded and will also be returned in class. Average: 24.1/30.
- 7 Feb 07: HW # 4 was graded, mean 19.43, will be returned in class today.
- 7 Feb 07: Week 6 - Linear Quadratic Optimal Control (HW #5)
- 12 Feb 07: the graded midterm can be picked up in the Steele CDS 110b return bin. The average was 30.3 and the standard deviation was 7.84. To compute your rough grade for the course so far, use the following formula
\text{score} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^4 \text{HW}_i}{130} \cdot 25 + \frac{\text{MT}}{50} \cdot 20
</amsmath>- If you divide this by 40 (to account for the curve), you will get your rough percentage score for the course (with A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, etc).
- 12 Feb 07: this week Prof. Murray will hold a recitation section on Friday 16, instead of a course project lecture. Topics will include examples from HW # 6.
- 14 Feb 07: Week 7 - Two Degree of Freedom Control Design (HW #6)
- 15 Feb 07: the midterm solutions are posted.
- 20 Feb 07: due to the institute holiday, the Monday office hour this week will be held on Wednesday from 12-1 in Powell-Booth, room 100.
- 21 Feb 07: Next Monday, Feb 26, there will be a recitation section instead of a regular lecture. Office hours will be held on Tu 4-5, Steele 110, Wed 12-1, Steele 114 (CDS Library).