CDS 101/110 - Transfer Functions

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CDS 101/110a Schedule Recitations FAQ AM08 (errata)


The learning objectives for this week are:

  • Students should be able to construct a transfer function from a state space system
  • Students should be able to sketch the frequency response corresponding to a transfer function and label its key features
  • Students should understand the concepts of poles and zeros, and their relationship with the eigenvalues of a state space system

Monday: Transfer Functions (Slides, MP3)

This lecture introduces transfer functions as a tool for analyzing feedback systems using frequency response and Bode plots. The lecture uses the example of a spring, mass, damper system to show how transfer functions can be used to compute the frequency response of an interconnected system of components. We also define poles and zeros and indicate how they affect the frequency response of a system. Finally, we introduce the general computations of block diagram algebra.

Wednesday: Bode Plots (Notes, MP3)

This lecture gives will discuss how to construct the frequency response corresponding to a transfer function (Bode plots). We'll cover both the properties of the frequency response as a function of gain, poles and zeros, as well as how to sketch a bode plot for a given transfer function.

Friday: recitation sections




Monday <ncl>CDS 101/110 FAQ - Lecture 6-1, Fall 2008</ncl> Wednesday <ncl>CDS 101/110 FAQ - Lecture 6-2, Fall 2008</ncl> Homework <ncl>CDS 101/110 FAQ - Homework 5, Fall 2008</ncl>