CDS 101/110a, Fall 2008 - Recitation Schedule
CDS 101/110a | Schedule | Recitations | FAQ | AM08 (errata) |
The purpose of the recitation sections is to provide additional insight into the material for the week, including answer questions on specific topics of interests to the students in that section. The TAs leading the recitation will generally work through one problem from the homework set so that students can see what is expected on the homeworks and how the tools from the course can be applied. (Note: students must still work through and turn in the problem that the TAs work through and what you turn in must reflect your understanding of the problem.)
Recitations for CDS 101/110a will be on Fridays from 2-3 pm unless otherwise noted. Each recitation session is tuned for a slightly different audience and we have made initial assignments based on the course you are taking, the option you are in, and your class standing (So, Jr, Sr, G1, G2, etc).
Section 1: CDS 101
This section is designed for students who do not have lots of prior coursework in linear algebra, ordinary differential equations or complex variables. All students in CDS 101 are initially assigned to this section.
- TA: Luis Soto
- Location: 214 STL
- Eric Chin
- Joe Fang
- Michelle Jiang
- Simon Kornblith
- Wei Li
- Mike Liu
- Hetal Patel
Section 2: Mechanical Systems
This section is intended for students who are interested in the application of feedback and control to mechanical and electro-mechanical systems such as airplanes, cars, robots, etc.
- TA: Julia Braman
- Location: 206 TOM
- Juan Benitez
- Jason Cerundolo
- Lauren Chu
- Thomas Desautels
- Mary Dorman
- Evan Gaulik
- Zack Higbee
- Joshua Hutchins
- Henry Jacobs
- Joey Koehler
- Lea Kunesh
- Ruslan Kurdyumov
- Kevin Noertker
- Thomas Oliver
- Robbie Paolini
- Chun-Che Peng
- Stanislava Petkova
- Benjamin Reinhardt
- Mallika Saran
- Marc Sells
- Shen Shen
- Ted Singer
- Calvin Ting
- Kevin Tjho
- Jackson Wang
Section 3: Information Systems
This section is intended for students who are interested in the application of feedback and control to information systems such as communications systems, networks and financial markets.
- TA: Shuo Han
- Location: 306 TOM
- Atsushi Baba
- David Brown
- Daniel Beylkin
- Bettina Chen
- Stephen Chou
- Abhi Gulati
- Fan Huang
- Jeremy Leibowitz
- Gemma Mason
- Noele Norris
- Siripat Sumanaphan
- Albert Wu
- Hongchao Zhou
Section 4: Off-Hours Recitation
This section is held on Fridays at 1-2pm. No one will be initially assigned to this section, but everyone is welcome to attend this (and all) recitations.
- TA: Max Merfeld
- Location: 142 Keck
Section 5: CDS 210
This section is intended for more advanced students who would like a more theoretical description of some of the tools of the class. This section will not go through a problem from the homework in much detail, but will instead discuss more advanced approaches to the topics being considered for that week. Recitations will be held every Friday from 2-3 and Monday from 1-2 in 110 STL. (Note: On Monday 11/3 only, recitation will be held in 214 STL.)
- TA: Genti Buzi
- Location: 110 STL
- Angie Cho
- Kaushik das Gupta
- Matthew Inkman
- Clara O'Farrell
- Mayank Raj
- Ophelia Venturelli
- Floris von Breugel
Links to recitation pages: