WASC: John Hall meeting, 5 Apr 06
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Present: John Hall, Barbara Green, RMM
Ideas for things to change
- Group that has responsibility for improving teaching at Caltech
- Need a (faculty?) group to take responsibility for this
- Goal would be to increase uniformity of good teaching
- Some faculty are great, some are not so great, and some don't even seem to prepare (poor boardwork, poor organization)
- Group should figure out how to collet information on teaching; perhaps redesign current form
- Honor system also fits within this; sometimes not well understood
- Giving new ideas for teaching methods
- Could also serve TAs
- Perhaps collect together ideas for best practices in some way
- Rewarding good teaching
- Should we be doing something to incentivize good teaching (salary)
- How to make it happen
- Who needs to approve? How do we get the conversation happen?
- Setting up ongoing meetings with the faculty
- Some sort of orientation
- Needs to have a mechanism by which it is sustained
- Other areas
- Curriculum committee thinks about things like option requirements
- How do we handle students that want to work in an area where we don't have a program (eg Ae)
- Should think about how to get students involved in the entire process
- Providing feedback
- Low class attendance
- A lot of students who can't complete their work on time
- Should we study this; find the root cause?
- Look at the number of courses people are taking? Double majors?