Hard Limits And Performance Tradeoffs In A Class Of Sequestration Feedback Systems

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Title Hard Limits And Performance Tradeoffs In A Class Of Sequestration Feedback Systems
Authors Noah Olsman, Ania-Ariadna Baetica, Fangzhou Xiao, Yoke Peng Leong, John Doyle and Richard Murray
Source Submitted, Cell Systems (Nov 2018)
Abstract Feedback regulation is pervasive in biology at both the organismal and cellular level. In this article, we explore the properties of a particular biomolecular feedback mechanism implemented using the sequestration binding of two molecules. Our work develops an analytic framework for understanding the hard limits, performance tradeoffs, and architectural properties of this simple model of biological feedback control. Using tools from control theory, we show that there are simple parametric relationships that determine both the stability and the performance of these systems in terms of speed, robustness, steady-state error, and leakiness. These findings yield a holistic understanding of the behavior of sequestration feedback and contribute to a more general theory of biological control systems.
Type Journal submission
URL https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2018/09/26/222042.full-text.pdf
Tag ols+18-cellsys
ID 2018g
Funding DARPA BioCon