WASC teleconference, 30 Jun 06
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- Present (CIT): David Goodstein, Henry Lester, RMM, Barbara Green, Carolyn Ash, Miriam Feldblum
- Present (WASC): Theresa, Paul (WASC), Jeff,
Intro comments
- Thanked us for our proposal
- On paper we have not presented some of the areas that WASC uses
- Will be particularly interested in student learnings and outcomes
- Theresa: what was the process that led to these three issues? Eg, what is the campus self evaluation process and why are these the most appropriate issues?
- A: CUE came up with the topics; decided to switch graduate to undergraduate
- Where other constituencies were engaged?
- A: CUE came up with the topics
- Issues that came up previously that weren't addressed
- Diversity - A: this is an issue that is always present
- Humanities - A: this is in very good condition
- Paula: the commission will want to know what we have done against these issues
Outcomes assessment
- Outcomes assessment is very important
- Question about ABET accreditation. RMM summarized what we been doing
- Looks like they will want some type of outcomes assessment
Capacity versus Effectiveness
- Increasing emphasis on student learning; how will two stage visit play into this
- A (Carolyn): many opportunities for students to integrate what they are learning in their classes
- Suggest that we think about the ways that we will split out capacity in first visit and effectiveness in the second
Example: student workload
- Expect we would be looking course by course to understand what students are getting out of it
- Capacity: look at structure of courses, sequencing, etc
- Assessment: figure out what specifically to look at and whether it is accomplishing what we would like
Question (by Henry): any other institutions who have looked at honor codes?
- A: not really
Next Steps
- WASC will prepare a letter with fuller feedback; should go out by end of next week