WASC 2005-04-13
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Present: Marianne, Niles, Csilla, Josephine, Andrea, Brad, Jean, Richard
- Talk about things we would like to see improved at Caltech
- Decide what to put forward for WASC proposal
Round Robin Discussion
Possible Report Topics (RMM)
Here is a first cut at collecting together topics (done in real-time, so not necessarily well thought out):
- Quality of teaching
- Feedback to faculty, including course evaluation (eg, how many hours do you spend)
- Tools for faculty (best practices, new technology)
- Orientation and mentoring for new teachers
- Focus on what students learn?
- Rewarding good teaching (incentives)
- Student workload issues
- Underuniting
- Homework, labs, exams, etc
- Some classes are overunited
- Possible things related to student health
- Overall undergraduate experience
- Try to evaluate the quality of Caltech education (above just teaching)
- Collect data about best practices in different divisions/options
- Classroom experience (across the variety of courses that students teach)
- Might touch on tools (eg, MATLAB), breadth of the core
- Look into student health? Compare to other universities
- Perhaps link to research and honor system topics
- Course attendance, classroom experience and *learning*
- Can we find out why students aren't coming to class
- Focus on what students learn?
- Content of the core
- Might be a very tricky one