WASC: CCSC meeting, 17 Apr 06
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Quick intro (by Richard):
- Overview of WASC process
- Current plan for UG education proposal: teaching quality and undergraduate workload
- Redefining the core?
- Core has a bit of a bootcamp mentality. Perhaps we should look at this?
- Example - Cambridge has much less of a well-define core
- Benchmarking against other schools
- Gap between research and teaching; interest of the students is not necessarily aligned with faculty research interests
- Alignment of students in Divisions with graduates in Divisions
- Alignment is not necessary, but we should understand it
- Alignment of faculty advisors with UGs; not uniform across the Divisions
- Students may not care about what faculty have to teach
- Workload balance is a good one
- Some courses teach way too much; some balance not enough
- CCSC in principle is in charge of this, but really more advisory
- Some work has been done in synchronizing Math and Physics, for example
- It might be time to look at core again; we haven't done it for 7 years or so
- Self study of what the core has in it and whether or not its meeting our goals
- Are we trying to cram too much in?
- Online course evaluations might provide some new data and evaluation of the core
- Look at the data from surveys to understand if the core has set up the students for what they need
- Problem set centric methodology
- Students want the lectures to align with the homeworks to align with the exams
- Faculty who try to give more insight into the field sometimes get criticized when they try to explore related areas
- May be different answers for different types of courses
- Has there been a shift of the majors since the course was put in place
- Look at what the students are graduating in and see if the core is serving them well
- Applications are probably not a good indicator; students shift after they get here
- Be careful to study causal effects; the majors might line up with the core because the core is required
- Inspired independent study
- Decrease workload to allow more independent study
- Undergraduate advising
- This came up at the end; seems like an important third topic for us to look at