Hi, This is Zhipu Jin. I am a third year graduate student in Richard Murray's group. This summer I am the coordinator of the Vehicle Team for the RoboFlag/Coop Control SURF project.
My office is in basement 4 in STEELE, Ext is 2313. Email is
- [Bug Report]
Today we were testing each of the Kellys to travel in a circle. Kelly #2 is not able to run on the circle program.
The USB driver is working ok from the following test...
command# rsh mvwt2 mvwt2# startupic
Device inserted!
At this point, the fans speed up, slow down and stop from the USB fan test.
I get the following problem when I try to test Kelly #2 by running the circle program...
command# cd /home/zhipu/mvwt/users/zhipu/Kellytest command# ./ 2
Attempting command for 1 vehicle(s) Vehicle 2...
rcp: can't truncate /home/exec//FOrmationCircle_shell: corrupted file system detected Finished
Possible solutions:
- 1: reinstall operating system
- 2: mark bad blocks in the hard drive during the reinstallation steps