Networked Sensing, Estimation and Control Systems
Vijay Gupta, Richard M. Murray, Ling Shi and Bruno Sinopoli
This page is intended for use by authors of the book "Networked Sensing, Estimation and Control Systems".
Purpose and Scope
The book is intended for researchers who are interested in the analysis and design of sensing, estimation and control systems in a networked setting. We focus primary on the effects of the network on the stability and performance of the system, including the effects of packet loss, time delay and distributed computation. We have attempted to provide a broad view of the field, in the hopes that the text will be useful to a wide crossection of researchers. Most of the results are presented in the discrete time setting, with references to the literature for the continuous time analogs. We have also attempted to include a fairly extensive review of the current literature at the end of each chapter, with an emphasis on papers that are frequently referenced by others. To keep the material focused, we have chosen to only touch on material on optimization-based control (e.g., receding horizon control) or protocols for distributed systems, although these are often an integral part of complex networked control systems. References to the literature are given for readers interested in these important topics.
Chapter Table
- Motivation for writing the book
- Intended audience and prerequisites
- Internal chapter describing notation conventions
I. Introduction to Networked Control Systems
- Motivation and examples
- Big picture for networked control systems
- Control systems (summarize basic framework; refer to standard texts for details)
- Communication systems
- Channel models
- Hardware protocols: 802.11, Zigbee, Wireless HART, SPA100, CANbus, FieldBus, ...
- Software protocols: TCP, UDP, CSMACA (introduce basic protocols and indicate features that will come up later)
- Information patterns
- Talk about distributed information: centralized versus decentralized, distributed
- Summary of the development of NCS
II. State Estimation and Sensor Fusion
III. Information Theory
IV. Markovian Jump Linear Systems
V. Rate-Limited Estimation and Control
VI. Packet-Based Estimation and Control (focus on single sensor)
VII. Information Flow on Graphs
VIII. Distributed Estimation
IX. Distributed Control
X. Cooperative Control (application chapter)
XI. Efficient Computation and Communications (application chapter)
XII. Implementation (application chapter)
- Robustness (byzantine)
- Synchronization (Lamport)
XIII. Sensor Networks (application chapter)
XIII. Future Directions and Open Problems
- Robustness (byzantine)
- Design of networks (utility-based theory, Low/Kelly)
Additional notes
Pasadena, 27 Jun 08 (RMM, LS, BS)
Writing plan (not good, OK, very good)
- Updated 19 Dec 08 (RM, LS)
- RM: 3Q08,
4Q08,1Q09,2Q09, 2009-10 - BS:
3Q08,4Q08, 1Q09, 2Q09, 2009-10 - LS:
3Q08, 4Q08,1Q09, 2Q09, 3Q09, 2009-10 - VG: 3Q08, 4Q08
Hong Kong, 19 Dec 08 (RMM + LS)
- Do we want to say something about bandwidth allocation in Alice as an example? Where does it fit? Could be a running example or perhaps go in one of the application chapters?
- Ling out on travel through 27 Jan; could do a phone call after that
Related Information
Other books
- Bullo, Cortes, Martinez: book on cooperative control, but with a very different emphasis than Reza's proposed book. An online copy of the book is available at
- Mesbahi and Egerstedt: graph theoretic methods for multi-agent coordination.
- Olfati-Saber: Networked Multi-Agent Systems: Distributed Algorithms for Coordination and Information Fusion
- D. Hristu-Varsakelis and W. S. Levine (Ed.): Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems, 2005. ISBN 0-8176-3239-5
- Mainly a collection of articles
- F.-Y. Wang and D. Liu (Eds): Networked Control Systems: Theory and Applications, 2008.
- Matveev and Savkin, Estimation and Control over Communication Networks
- Edited volume by Wireless Network Based Control, Sudip K. Mazumder (ed)
Other information resources
Upcoming events
Upcoming courses
- Apr 09: EECI Networked Control Systems course (Richard, Vijay)
- Fall 2009: NCS at HKUST (Ling)
- Spring 2010: NCS at CMU (Bruno)
Author meetings
- 25 Nov 08: Richard and Bruno in Pasadena
- 8-10 Dec 08: Bruno and Vijay at CDC
- 15 Dec 08: Richard and Ling in Hong Kong + Vietnam
- 13-19 Apr 09: HSCC, CPS week in San Francisco
- 11-17 Jun 09: Ling in Pasadena (commencement on 12 Jun)
- 27-29 Aug 09: Asian Control Conference (ASCC) in Hong Kong [Ling, Bruno, Richard]