MVWT Meeting 2004 08 12
Weekly Project Meeting, 12 Aug 04
Goals and Agenda
- Review team activities, using status charts
- Review plans for Roboflag competition
- Review goals and agenda; select notetaker
- Discussion of project review
- Team updates: vehicle, positioning, C2
- RoboFlag competition
Notes from Meeting
1 week left for competition (next Friday) there was no AFOSR demo, make sure that the vehicles are in good shape for the competition methods of documentation for the competition taking video -- Zhipu: camcorder is ok w/ enough tapes for the whole day logging data -- Mike: there is a method, but we need to look into it battery issues of Roboflag, play for 30 mins, charge for an hour? some sort of rotation scheme
Team reviews: 1. Vehicle -- Ling: can we get RF competition on the new bats? Zhipu: we need to get the SysID running before we can, maybe not but definately before the summer is over. Redesign the hats since they are larger than the vehicle themselves 2. Positioning -- Demetri: GPS board have been ordered w/ the devel kits, and they can be programmed out of the box (says Superstar) Zhipu: Vision system is very relible in the past few days, but sometimes it crashes 3. C2 -- Mike: Kelly controller is up, but the vehicles don't hit the waypoints exactly Brin: Logger is working, it can be possible to replay the game in the simulator with pause/play capabilities Mike: if you're planning to play RF, try to use the CIT version in SVN and test your code beforehand. In theory the new version works.
Rajiv: the vision system handles 16 vehicles, but 8 a team is too many for the testbed. Demetri: for the people playing RF be sure to plan the number of vehicles you are planning to use. Also plan to use same number of vehicles a team. Ling: 3 SB and 3 Kellys a side?
Zhipu: should we have a scheduled time for RF players to test out their code? Demetri: send out email to list offering time slots where teh vehicle team is available to assist players (Monday or Teusday next week) Zhipu: also have Mike there to be able to debug any problems