MVWT Meeting 2004-06-17
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Weekly Project Meeting, 17 Jun 04
Goals and Agenda
- Discuss draft plans from each of the subteams
- Talk about status of RoboFlag infrastructure
- Goals, agenda and notetaker
- Subteam reports: vehicle, positioning, C2
- Present draft GOTChA chart (5 min each)
- Discussion (5 min each)
- RoboFlag discussion
- Status of simulation, code, etc
- Plans for research and competition
- Positioning GOTChA for 06-17-04 meeting
- Vehicle Team GOTChA for 06-17-04 meeting Media:GOTChA_Vehicle.ppt
Items and Comments from Meeting
- Vehicle Team
- GOTChA chart needs to have more specific objectives, with timetables and quantitative requirements.
- The deadline should be in the objectives.
- The approach needs to directly address the technical challenges
- Positioning Team
- Timing is the major issue
- Need a solution for the roof by Aug. 15
- Need to maintain current vision capabilities in time for first competition.
- Need to deal with other teams and scheduling--if the vision system doesn't work, hard for others to test.
- It's most likely that the RFID system won't work quickly, so it's important to get the vision system up to full capability soon.
- Timing is the major issue
- C2 Team
- We need a 2nd, non-Roboflag command and control system.
- Include quantitative objectives--how many vehicles to handle, what speed for data logging, etc.
- General Action Items
- Update colored arrows in charts, changes in GOTChA charts should be in blue.
- Each team needs a block diagram, with each person doing some block of jobs.
- For Next Week:
- Each team needs both charts
- Each team should have a weekly regular meeting time.
- Talk with coordinators about timelines.