Group Schedule, Winter 2024
This page contains information about various upcoming events that are of interest to the group.
The schedule for group and subgroup meetings is given below. Contact Richard if you need to change the schedule. Unless otherwise noted, biocircuits meetings are in 111 Keck and NCS meetings are in 110 Steele Lab.
Week 1: 1-5 Jan
Week 2: 8-12 JanBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p NCS: Wed, ~3:45p-5p
Week 3: 15-19 JanBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p
Week 4: 22-26 JanBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p
NCS: Tue, 3:30p-5p
Week 5: 29 Jan - 2 FebBiocircuits:
Week 6: 5-9 FebBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p NCS:
Week 7: 12-16 FebBiocircuits: Wed, 9a-11a
Week 8: 19-23 FebBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p
Biocircuits: Fri, 11a-12p
NCS: Tue, 3:45p-5p
Week 9: 26 Feb - 1 MarBiocircuits: Mon, 9a-11a
Week 10: 4-8 MarBiocircuits: Mon, 9a-11a
Week 11: 11-16 MarBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p
NCS: Wed, ~3:45p-5p
Week 12: 18-23 MarBiocircuits: Tue, 10a-12p
NCS: Wed, ~3:45p-5p