ACM 101b/AM 125b/CDS 140a, Winter 2014
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | |
Teaching Assistants
Course Description
Analytical methods for the formulation and solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Basics in topics in dynamical systems in Euclidean space, including equilibria, stability, phase diagrams, Lyapunov functions, periodic solutions, Poincaré-Bendixon theory, Poincaré maps. Introduction to simple bifurcations, including Hopf bifurcations, invariant and center manifolds.
Lecture Schedule
Date | Topic | Reading | Homework |
7 Jan 9 Jan |
Linear Differential Equations I
Perko, 1.1-1.6 |
HW 1 Due: 15 Jan (Wed) |
14 Jan 16 Jan |
Linear Differential Equations II
Perko, 1.7-1.10 | HW 2 Due: 22 Jan (Wed) |
21 Jan 23 Jan |
Nonlinear differential equations
Perko, 2.1-2.6 | HW 3 Due: 29 Jan (Wed) |
28 Jan 30 Jan |
Behavior of differential equations
Perko, 2.7-2.10 | HW 4 Due: 5 Feb (Wed) |
4 Feb 6 Feb |
Non-hyperbolic differential equations
Perko, 2.11-2.13 | HW 5 Due: 12 Feb (Wed) |
11 Feb 13 Feb |
Global behavior
Perko, 3.1-3.3 | HW 6 Due: 19 Feb (Wed) |
18 Feb* 20 Feb* |
Limit cycles
Perko, 3.4-3.5, 3.7 | HW 7 Due: 26 Feb (Wed) |
25 Feb 27 Feb |
Perko 4.1-4.2 + notes | HW 8 Due: 5 Mar (Wed) |
4 Mar 6 Mar |
Perko 4.3-4.5 + notes | HW 9 Due: 12 Mar (Wed) |
11 Mar* |
Course review | Final exam Due: 19 Mar (Wed). Pick up from Diane Goodfellow, 246 ANB |
The primary text for the course (available via the online bookstore) is
[Perko] | L. Perko, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Third Edition. Springer, 2006. |
The following additional texts may be useful for some students (on reserve in SFL):
[J&S] | D. Jordan and P. Smith, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2007. |
[Ver] | F. Verhulst, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Second Edition. Springer, 2006. |
The final grade will be based on homework and a final exam:
- Homework (75%) - There will be 8 one-week problem sets, due in class approximately one week after they are assigned. Late homework will not be accepted without prior permission from the instructor.
- Final exam (25%) - The final will be handed out the last day of class and is due back at the end of finals week. Open book, time limit to be decided (likely N hours over a 4-8N hour period).
The lowest homework score you receive will be dropped in computing your homework average. In addition, if your score on the final is higher than the weighted average of your homework and final, your final will be used to determine your course grade.
Collaboration Policy
Collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor. Use of solutions from previous years in the course or from other external sources is not allowed. All solutions that are handed should reflect your understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing.
You can use MATLAB, Mathematica or a similar programs, but you must show the steps that would be required to obtain your answers by hand (to make sure you understand the techniques).
No collaboration is allowed on the final exam. You will also not be allowed to use computers, but the problems should be such that extensive computation is not required.