CS-EE-ME 75 Fall 2015 Homework 3

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CS/EE/ME 75 Organization Schedule Team wiki Public site

A. Emami, G. Blanquart, R. Murray Issued: 12 Oct 2015, 10 pm
CS/EE/ME 75, Fall 2015 Due: 18 Oct 205, 8 pm

This week and next week, we will be transitioning from Homework problems to Jira Tasks. From now on, Jira tasks will be assigned to students. Fulfilling these tasks is part of the homework.

  1. [GOTChA charts, 10 pts] Revise/update the GOTChA charts you submitted for HW 2 based on the feedback from Monday's lecture and any comments you receive from the TAs.
  2. [Requirements/Specifications, 20 pts] This is the first iteration of this problem. It will be revisited next week and used for the midterm reviews. For this problem, we will be using Jira.
    • Division leads: assign tasks to group leads.
    • Group leads: following the tasks assigned to you by the division leads, assign tasks to crews. Make the tasks assigned to you contingent on those you assign.
    • Crews: look for the tasks assigned to you and complete them.
    The tasks should be:
    • Create a confluence requirements page for your component/subsystem. You should follow the example presented in Monday's lecture.
    • List all stakeholders for your component/subsystem.
    • List internal/external requirements.
    • Create a confluence specifications page for your component/subsystem.
    • List all stakeholders for your component/subsystem.
    • List detailed specifications. Make sure the specifications are consistent with the GOTChA chart (goals & objectives) that you created for HW 2.
    • Project/Technical lead: Update the system architecture chart based on the stakeholders identified in requirements/specifications pages.
    • If you do not know yet the specifications for your component/subsystem, list the specifications from last year's vehicle.
    • Division leads: provide a list of high level specifications for your entire division and indicate whether you want specifications to be at the group/system or crew/subsystem level (or both).
    • When going from crew to group to division, do not simply create a list with all specifications from the lower levels. Specifications at higher levels (collections of subsystems) should reflect integrated specifications, that demonstrate that the components are working properly to deliver the intended performance level.
  3. [Budget, 10 pts] Working with your group/crew (as appropriate), estimate the required budget to meet the specifications you listed in question 2. Separate this budget into three categories based on how the money would be spent:
    • Vehicle: This should include everything that is used to build the vehicle and hence is "on" the vehicle.
    • Prototyping: This should include all prototypes, tests, piece of software, etc. used to design/build the vehicle but which do not appear on the vehicle.
    • Other: This should include everything else: lab equipment, tools, travel, etc.
    • Group leads: generate a budget consistent with your crews.
    • Division leads: generate a budget consistent with your groups.
    • Project and technical leads: generate a budget consistent with the four divisions.
  4. [Purchasing structure, 10 pts; IPT only] Propose a strategy to handle purchases and other expenses. While the overall budget is the responsibility of the Project and Technical leads, day-to-day activities should be assigned to other people. For instance, crews should be allowed/given discretion to purchase "things" up to a limit. Group leaders and Division leaders should have more discretion in spending the money, once again up to some limits. Also, it may be appropriate to identify one person in charge of the budget and one person in charge of making these purchases. They could be the same person. You should also consider whether you want one person for the whole team or one per division.