CS-EE-ME 75 Fall 2015 Homework 1

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CS/EE/ME 75 Organization Schedule Team wiki Public site

R. Murray Issued: 30 Sep 2015, 10 pm
CS/EE/ME 75, Fall 2015 Due: 4 Oct 2015 (Sun), 8 pm
  1. [15 points] Using the login and password information sent to your Caltech e-mail account, log in to the team wiki and perform the following actions:
    1. Create a profile in Confluence that has a (current!) picture, short biography and your contact information (this is private to the team). Look at Richard Murray's profile for an example.
    2. Update your system group page (under your respective division page) so that your name is listed, with a link back to your profile page.
    3. Your TA will assign you an action item as soon as your profile page is up. Respond to this action item.
  2. [15 points] Using the login and password information sent to your Caltech e-mail account, log in to Slack and perform the following actions:
    1. Create a profile in Slack that has a (current!) picture and a short description of who you are. Look at Richard Murray's profile for an example.
    2. Join the channel corresponding to your division and accept the invitation to your system private group.
    3. Post a message in your system group telling your TA that you are online.
  3. [20 points] Create a page in your personal space "Homework 1" and perform the following actions, with your answers given as a bulleted list:
    1. List the name of the system to which you have been assigned, with links to any pages that describe previous work on that system
    2. Read Parts S & D in the SAE Formula Electric rules in their entirety and list the events to which the system contributes, plus the number of points the event is worth and a one sentence summary of the role that the system plays in getting maximum points.
    3. Find the page on Confluence that details how to access the files on Box and sign in using your Caltech credentials. Look at the relevant ME100 project reports and posters and list on your Homework 1 page the people who have worked on your system in the past, with links to their profile page if they have one.
    4. Find the sections in Part T of the SAE Rules relating to your respective system. Write a short summary of these specifications and a sentence comparing them to last year’s design. If there is no existing design for the system you chose, enter "No existing design" (but make sure there really isn't one!).

    Notes on this problem:

    • Don't spend more than about 30 minutes on this problem, but do get help from your TA if you get stuck.