EECI08: Implementation Examples
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In this lecture we present two examples of networked control systems that have been implemented on representative hardware. In the first example, we briefly consider a demonstration of the "lost wingman" protocol on a T-33 test aircraft acting as the wingman for a (human-piloted) F-15 aircraft. The controller is implemented using receding horizon control and CCL. In the second example we present the implementation and results of Caltech's entry in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge.
Lecture Materials
- Lecture slides: Implementation Examples
Further Reading
S. Waydo, J. Hauser, R. Bailey, E. Klavins, R.M. Murray, “UAV as a Reliable Wingman: A Flight Demonstration”, IEEE T. Control Systems Technology, 2007.
J. Burdick et al., “Sensing, Navigation and Reasoning Technologies for the DARPA Urban Challenge”, DARPA final report, 2007 (