CS 142, Fall 2019
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Distributed Computing | |
Teaching assistants |
Course descriptionCS 142. Distributed Computing. 9 units (3-0-6); first term. Prerequisites: CS 24, CS 38. Fundamental concepts for the design and analysis of distributed systems and algorithms, including reasoning about distributed programs, handling the lack of global time and global state, achieving distributed consensus in the presence of faults and asynchrony, and designing fault-tolerance for distributed systems. Review of state-of-the-art distributed systems, particularly cloud computing systems. Instructor: Murray/Chandy. |
Course announcements
Course syllabus and schedule
Lecture Schedule
Date | Topic | Reading/Homework |
W1 (30 Sep) |
W2 (7 Oct) |
W3 (14 Oct) |
| |
W4 (21 Oct) |
W5 (28 Oct) |
W6 (4 Nov) KMC |
W7 (11 Nov) RMM/KMC |
W8 (18 Nov) KMC |
W9 (25 Nov) KMC | ||
W10 (2 Dec) |
The final grade will be based on homework sets, a midterm exam, and a final exam:
- Homework (50%): Homework sets will be handed out weekly and due on Wednesdays by 2 pm (submitted via Moodle). Each student is allowed up to two extensions of no more than 2 days each over the course of the term. Homework turned in after Friday at 2 pm or after the two extensions are exhausted will not be accepted without a note from the health center or the Dean.
- Midterm exam (20%): A midterm exam will be handed out at the beginning of midterms period (25 Oct) and due at the end of the midterm examination period (1 Nov). The midterm exam will be open book (textbook and course notes OK: access to the Internet is not allowed).
- Final exam (30%): The final exam will be handed out on the last day of class (1 Dec) and due at the end of finals week. The final exam will be open book (textbook and course notes OK: access to the Internet is not allowed).
Collaboration Policy
- Collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. You may consult outside reference materials, other students, the TA, or the instructor, but you cannot consult homework solutions from prior years and you must cite any use of material from outside references. All solutions that are handed in should be written up individually and should reflect your own understanding of the subject matter at the time of writing.
- No collaboration is allowed on the midterm or final exams.
Course Text and References
The primary course text is
- P. Sivilotti, Introduction to Distributed Systems, Course notes, 2007.
The following additional references may also be useful:
- K.M. Chandy and J. Misra, Parallel Program Design: A Foundation, Addison-Wesley, 1988
- M. Singhal and N. G. Shivaratri. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems. McGraw-Hill, 1994