BE/EE/MedE 189a, Fall 2024
Design and Construction of Biodevices | |
Teaching Assistants
This is the course homepage for BE/EE/MedE 189a, Fall 2024.
Course Syllabus
Students will learn to use an Arduino microcontroller to interface sensing and actuation hardware with the computer. Students will learn and practice engineering design principles through a set of projects. In part a, students will design and implement biosensing systems; examples include a pulse monitor, a pulse oximeter, and a real-time polymerase-chain-reaction incubator. Enrollment is limited based on laboratory capacity.
Lecture Schedule
Date | Topic | Reading | Homework |
Week 1 1 Oct (Tu) |
Getting Started
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Week 2
8 Oct (Tu) |
Arduino basics | ||
Week 3 15 Oct (Tu) |
Python interfacing
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Week 4 22 Oct (Tu) |
Analog electronics
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Week 5 29 Oct (Tu) |
Spectrophotometer project
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Week 6 5 Nov (Tu) |
Week 7 12 Nov (Tu) |
Pulse oximetery project
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Week 8 19 Nov (Tu) |
Week 9 26 Nov (Tu) |
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Week 10 3 Dec (Tu) |
30% of your grade is determined from exercises and 65% of your grade is determined from your projects, with 30% of your grade coming from the spectrophotometer project and 35% from the pulse oximeter project. The remaining 5% of your grade is determined but your lab technique and citizenship. You need to keep your workspace and the communal space tidy and organized.
Each assignment has a defined due date and time. For assignments submitted after this time, you will receive a score of (your score)/1.1(ceil(number of days late)). After seven days, the assignment will not be accepted. The exception is the pulse oximetry write-up, which will not be accepted late because it is due at the end of the term. Extensions may be granted for good reason upon request from the course instructor.
Collaboration Policy
- You may discuss all of the course material and objectives, including the exercises and projects, with other students in the course. If you get useful help from another student, please be sure to cite them appropriately in your write-up.
- You may use whatever internet resources you need. If you took substantial ideas from sources outside of the course materials, clearly cite them.
- You may not reference completed work from students in previous editions of this course.
Course Text and References
- BE/EE/MedE 189a Course Notes, Justin Bois, 2023.